Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy 6 month (no name fish)

ok, today marks the day that we have had our fish for 6 months... yes, can you believe it? six whole months. I think this is the longest I have ever had an animal my whole life...technically, it is not mine, Madeleine won it at a Halloween carnival back in October and today is the day that her fish has been named and celebrated...yes, six months..:)
Ready for the name... this is exciting and very unique.... ready... are you sure??? okay, here we go... Now introducing...
yes, that's right folks, "Fishy" it is. All this time the fish had no name, how sad.. Now if we had a koi pond or maybe even a pretty beta fish, it would be a little more exciting, but a goldfish that is really not even gold, more like yellow-beige. I think we would have named it sooner. oh well...
But Madeleine is doing a pretty darn good job at keeping "Fishy" alive...
Good job Madeleine...
love, mom

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Good job Madeleine! Tell your mom that you are ready for a dog now!!! :)