Sunday, July 27, 2008

see, I told you he can make me smile from ear to ear....

I wanted to share an e-mail I received from my friend's mother... His name is Julian and I took some pictures of him a while back, CLICK HERE... We have stayed in touched throughout...I really do love this little guy...

His mother sent me an email and it just made my night... Thanks Julian for making my night and making me smile from ear to ear all over again...

Hi Gina,
It's Erin and Julian. I just wanted to share this with you. I was on your site and listening to your video you made with the ladies at the park and he heard your voice and just lit up. He was saying "Gina, on the computer?" I went to your video with Derrick and Sara so he could hear your voice again and you laughed at one point and he started cracking up. He made me replay it like 3 times. He kept waiting for the part in the video when you laughed and he'd say, "Gina's going to laugh now," all giggles.
I thought it was so cute that I wanted to share it with you. Hope all is well with you and your family.



  1. What a sweet tribute. I also enjoy watching the videos your husband makes of you. You are always so happy and spunky it's not a surprise your a great photographer with your personality.

  2. It does make a heart feel good to k now that they make a difference - and you do!

  3. Thanks Letti... I enjoy hiding in the background and capturing Gina work her magic... if I wasn't married to her I think they would call that "stalking."

  4. thanks Chris.. my #1 blog stalker.. Hee hee...
